Friday, July 31, 2009

Gone Campin'

We are off on an overnight camping trip. It's our first trip with the girls and dog beast who is 110 lbs. Not sure where the camping gear is going. Girls were up and dressed when we came down this morning. They were both wearing strapless dresses. Hee Hee! So cute. I got them talked into "camping clothes". They are so excited. We'll see if their expectations are met.

Until we get back...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting techno

WOW! My first blog post! I'm so excited! If you are the first to read and sign up for my blog, Congratulations! You have just won a free pair of earrings! View my jewelry at or my main website at jewelry here). I have just opened a new etsy shop! Check it out at the etsy link above. Feel free to share.
