Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fall...In Love

Fall is approaching, at least in some parts of the country. Here in Tucson it is still 100 degrees. It won't truly feel like fall until mid-October. So, I've felt like dreaming. I've been dreaming of the darker hues of fall, the leaves changing, the cooler days, the warmer outfits and the need for scarves and gloves. Ahhhh. I'm feeling cooler already! So to carry out this fantasy a little further I have created an Etsy treasury and have filled it with beautiful works from 12 different artists called "Fall...In Love"

Please check it out! I am very proud of this collection of works and the people they came from! And if you have a chance, leave a comment for the artists and let them know how much you like their work.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Slow down and PLAY

I have to apologize if it sounded like I was complaining about not having enough time to create this summer. I mean I was and I needed an attitude adjustment.
I started working on the computer the other morning, which my girls have come to dislike. Mommy(in a whiny voice), I need a snack. You know where they are. Mommy(crying) I have a boo-boo. Let's go put a bandaid on it. Mommy what are we going to do today? Where are we going to go today? What can I do? Mommy come here I need to show you something. Mommy can you get something for me? Mommy can I go to I'm on the computer, what do you think
You get the idea. I was trying my hardest to be patient, knowing that I was not giving them much attention. I wasn't getting much accomplished and decided that instead of getting anxious or upset about it I was going to give in and go play. We built castles out of legos and played princess party. We played candyland. We organized their closet and discover lost toys. It was fun. And really, how much longer are these sweet little mini me's, going to want to hang out with their mom. Hello, Joslyn, they are not going to be 6 and 4 forever. And waiting two more weeks to start creating again is not that long in the whole scheme of things. So I have decided that I am going to take it easy the next couple of weeks, enjoy my kids, play, laugh, live. The beads will still be there after school starts.

Coming up...
Some of my favorite artists.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is summer over yet?

Some days it seems as if school just got out, but today not so! I have so many new designs spinning around in my head, but I can't seem to find time to sit down and work on them. Just under two weeks to go and both of the girls will be back in school and I will have some free time. Wait, now it feels like summer just started! Argh!

Here is one new design, and many more to come.
This is freshwater pearl and dark copper-colored seed beads with an agate pendant and a gold vermeil toggle clasp. Would love any feedback!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Roughing it?

Hi all!(Cassidy)

Camping went off without a hitch! You can't see the cargo rack...this is how we got the dog beast into the truck. We all had a blast. The girls were very excited about camping the entire time and even said they were up for another trip. The dog on the other hand was not too impressed! He visited many of our camping neighbors but quickly tired of that and only wanted to lie down in the back of the truck. No lying on that filthy dirt for this dog! Well, what did we expect really, he is allowed on the couch, gets to hang out on our bed with me before bedtime, and has a very fluffy bed of his own. The pampered pooch. No complaints from the girls though. Well, except for the whole in the ground for a toilet. They had a running commentary about the smell every single time we went that I am sure that many of the other campers could hear! All in all we had a great time. We'll probably leave Chase with Granny next time mainly because it was just so heart wrenching to see him in the back of the truck sulking!

Here are some other pictures to enjoy!

Huge two room tent...not exactly roughing it!


Cooking with Daddy

Can we go home now?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Gone Campin'

We are off on an overnight camping trip. It's our first trip with the girls and dog beast who is 110 lbs. Not sure where the camping gear is going. Girls were up and dressed when we came down this morning. They were both wearing strapless dresses. Hee Hee! So cute. I got them talked into "camping clothes". They are so excited. We'll see if their expectations are met.

Until we get back...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting techno

WOW! My first blog post! I'm so excited! If you are the first to read and sign up for my blog, Congratulations! You have just won a free pair of earrings! View my jewelry at or my main website at jewelry here). I have just opened a new etsy shop! Check it out at the etsy link above. Feel free to share.
